Wildflowers of Spring


Wildflowers of Spring

Wild violets and yellow buttercups signal spring’s arriving
Along the road Sweet William in purple splendor thriving
As I walk among them I smell their sweet perfume
And see white clouds of dogwood on the hill in bloom
Plumes of Indian paintbrush set the fields ablaze
Colors from God’s palette, beauty for our gaze
Snowy mayflowers petals beneath large emerald leaves
Like canopies for fairies, if only you believe
Jaunty Dutchman’s breeches dangling from a stem
Redbuds cling to branches, each a magenta gem
I spy jack-in-the-pulpits with green and purple hoods
As I tread on soft green mosses carpeting the woods
I’m reminded of God’s promises that each new season brings
After barren winters I’m thankful for wildflowers of spring

Sue Ikerd

May 8, 2018©

Categories: Christian, Country Life | Leave a comment

God’s Servant

Rev. Billy Graham

From presidents to paupers
he preached to them all
He served his Lord
and answered the call

He was America’s pastor
and our hearts are now broken
As we think back
on the love that was spoken

He preached to the world
This plain country boy
He won souls to Christ
and filled hearts with joy

The life that he chose
makes us humbled and awed
He lived by the Book
As he walked with God

His sermons were simple
impassioned and fervent
God’s welcomed home
his good faithful servant.

Our nation’s in mourning
a great man is gone.
There is jubilation in Heaven
Billy is home

Sue Ikerd
February 28, 2018©
Categories: Christian, Poem, religious | 1 Comment

Days of Disasters

Days of Disasters

One after another hurricanes pounded
With a terrible vengeance winds blew and surrounded

Tornadoes formed, flood waters kept rising
Disasters abounded as people were dying

Wild fires burned, raged with a vengeance
It seemed nature’s fury was wild and relentless

A madman rained down bullets of death
We watched in fear and each held our breath

Heroes appeared in these dire situations
And brought help and healing to our great nation

Firefighters, paramedics, police, common folk
Came to the rescue through floods, fire and smoke

Our country’s been broken, beaten and battered
But the flag is still flying, though faded and tattered

We are stronger together, than when torn apart
When people are hurting, we open our heart

God is our refuge in times of disasters and trials
America will triumph, and once again smile

Sue Ikerd

October 16, 2017 ©

Categories: Paramedics, Poem | Leave a comment

Recalling 9-11


Recalling 9-11

I can’t forget the day and hour when the first plane hit the tower
Then we learned the dreadful horror of the crashes
Pennsylvania, the Pentagon, the first and second tower gone
And we watched them disappear in the dust and ashes
To some it’s just history, others somewhat a mystery
As memories are now becoming dim with time
But I recall those silent skies and the heroes in disguise
Those images forever etched into my mind
Along with December 7th now so will September 11th,
Forever will live as a day in infamy
So we must repeat the story, as we proudly salute Old Glory
And thank God for this Land of Liberty

Sue Ikerd

September 13, 2016©


Categories: Uncategorized | Leave a comment

Texas is Us

texas is us


Texas Is Us

They are strong, resilient, stubborn and tough,
They won’t back down and they don’t give up

Pride in their heritage is part of their roots
They stand tall together in cowboy boots

They’ve weathered tornadoes, hurricanes, floods
Whining or quitting is not in their blood

Texas has been bruised but will never be beaten
Their will and resolve cannot be weakened

The Lone Star State is not alone or apart
We join with Texas, we stand heart to heart

The color of red is what we all bleed
We are all brothers when someone’s in need

We’re not trying to brag or make a big fuss
But we all stand together, cause Texas is us

Sue Ikerd©
September 7, 2017
Categories: Uncategorized | 1 Comment