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Winter’s Deception

Posted by on January 14, 2017

Ice storm


Craggy brown branches each glitter and dances
in a lovely glass encased scene
Prisms of ice, shine and entice
as the sun rays glisten and gleam
Trees covered in crystal, sounds like a pistol
as limbs crack and crash to the ground
Like chandeliers twinkling, sparkling and tinkling
the ice makes a melodious sound
This wonder of nature, belies the danger
this surreal landscape displays
Broken tree branches, lost power and car crashes
make us long for the warmth of spring days

Sue Ikerd
January 14, 2017

 Copyright 2017 ©

One Response to Winter’s Deception

  1. Lorinda

    I love spring, but like summer temps. better. Love your poetry!

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