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I Cry for My Country

Posted by on November 1, 2016


I Cry for My Country

I cry for my country this land that I love
Founded by patriots and blessed from above
The Star Spangled Banner brings a tear to my eye
My heart fills with pride when our flag passes by
I stand for our anthem and bow to my God
For our soldiers and veterans, I’m grateful and awed
For their service I’m thankful and their brave sacrifice
Our country is free because they paid the price
Our constitution and freedoms are in danger and peril
They now want our guns, lock, stock and barrel
Christians are told when and where we can pray
Freedom of religion is now a cliche
They mock us as backwards, our beliefs are just horrible
We’re dumped in a basket, they call us deplorable
They say that we cling to our guns and religion
That our cherished freedoms are not our decision
From ocean to ocean to great mountains and plains
God’s given us sunshine along with the rain
He’s stood by us through hard times, wars and attacks
But to God, our great nation has now turned it’s back
I pray America will turn from evil and sin
And God in his mercy will bless us again

Sue Ikerd
October 30, 2016

Copyright 2016 ©


One Response to I Cry for My Country

  1. Janet

    another great job!

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