With all the bunnies and eggs and candy, the world sometimes seems to forget the reason for Easter. Please enjoy this poem and think about the great sacrifice that was made for all of us.
Christ’s Passion
In the Garden of Gethsemane to the Father cried the Son
“May this cup pass from Me” but “Thy will not mine be done”
The cock crowed a second time on that cold Jerusalem morn
It was time to accomplish to what He had been born
Although they could find no fault, they sentenced Him to die
The crowd shouted out their choice, Barrabas was their cry
He was scourged and beaten, spat upon with scorn
Mocked as on His head they pushed a crown of thorns
The cross that he shouldered weighed heavy upon Him
The burden that He carried was laden with our sin
The pounding of a hammer resonated ‘cross the land
As a Roman soldier drove the nails into His hands
He asked for their forgiveness, “for they know not what they do”
A message not for just that day, it was for me and you
He cried out to His Father as the sky turned dark and gray
A tear fell from Heaven and God slowly turned away
An earthquake tore the temple veil as the angels cried
He commended to God His Spirit and then my Savior died
Scarlet footprints to Golgotha, crimson streams ran down the cross
Each drop of blood was precious, this blood He shed for us
They placed Him in a borrowed tomb and sealed it on that day
But on the Sabbath He had risen when the stone was rolled away
“I will be with you always”, is the promise that He made
He offered us eternal life as He triumphed o’er the grave
He suffered greatly for our sins and paid the sacrifice
An awesome love was shown for us in the Passion of my Christ
Sue Ikerd
March 8, 2004
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