My Blessings
I’m thankful for cranberries, turkey and dressing
My cup overflows with so many blessings
I’m thankful for my husband, family and friends
My list is a long one, I don’t see an end
I’m thankful for puppies, they happily greet us
I’m thankful for friends who email and tweet us
I’m thankful for soldiers who defend and protect
I’m thankful for veterans, they deserve our respect
For those that respond when we call 911
Always there to assist and come on the run
For my health, a warm home, and shoes on my feet
That my car still runs and I have plenty to eat
I give thanks for my country, the Land of the Free
For the people that raised me and made me me
For the freedom to worship, the freedom to pray
God for all these blessings, I’m thankful today
Sue Ikerd
November 24, 2011
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